Difference between the work profile of IBPS PO and IBPS clerk

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), an autonomous body which works as a recruitment organization has the authority to appoint graduates for Public Sector Banks of India, except SBI. IBPS holds various exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS SO, etc.

IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk Exams are considered to be highly reputed and eagerly anticipated exams by the aspirants of bank jobs. Generally speaking, candidates apply for these posts without knowing the work profile of either of the posts.

To educate students about the work profile of IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk posts, it is important that they should know their duties to be performed, after their successful selection. 
Let us broadly discuss the duties of IBPS PO.

Duties of IBPS PO

IBPS PO is appointed as an officer on probation basis for the duration of 2 years. Thereafter, he is given the promotion as an Assistant Manager.

The work profile of IBPS PO has the following duties to be performed.  These duties are:
  1. IBPS PO has to deal with the customers and also has to maintain the branch activities properly.
  2. He has to carefully supervise the staff working under him.
  3. He has to sincerely take care about the activities which are related to customer dealings, grievances, transactions and loan processing of the clients.
  4. He has to verify the work done by the junior clerks. Thereafter, he has to methodically make decisions as per the policies of the management and then implement them successfully in the branch for the smooth running.
  5. He has to issue ATM Cards, Cheque books, demand drafts etc.
Duties of IBPS Clerk
  1. IBPS Clerk has to assist customers in depositing and withdrawal of cash.
  2. He has to deliver cheque books to customers after getting it verified from the concerned authorities.
  3. He has to issue cash receipts and ESI stamps as and when demanded by the customers.
  4. In this techno-savvy era, the jobs assigned to bank clerks are mainly computer based.
After getting thoroughly educated about the respective duties of IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk, it becomes easier for the candidates to choose between the two posts. The candidates should put their most sincere effort for the exams by practicing a lot. For commendable results, the students are advisable to join BANK COACHING CLASSES or VIDEO COURSE, as this will make their preparations effective and successful.

Nowadays, the concept of online bank coaching is also getting very popular as it is user-friendly to students and gives ample freedom to attend lectures at their convenient time. This technically advanced method helps in completing syllabus in time which later helps them scoring high in exams.
Wisely speaking, qualifying is one big aspect but scoring high is even bigger aspect. If a candidate scores well in exams then he has brighter chances to be absorbed in the job.

So friends, prepare sincerely and thoroughly to grab your dream jobs for a bright and prestigious career.

All the best!!!

Author : This content is written and published by IBT Kolkata - Best coaching institute for Bank & SSC Coaching.


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