What are the ways to crack the IBPS PO exam?

IBPS PO is one of the most competitive exams amongst job exams. All it needs is having an accurate update of the exam pattern and syllabus. It helps the candidates to frame regular study schedule and practice time to achieve the goal. Once you know the detailed syllabus then it becomes easy to make the study schedule topic wise and subject wise.

The Preliminary Phase IBPS PO Exam comprises of the following sections –
  1. English
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. Reasoning
Preliminary phase is the qualifying examination which makes you eligible to appear for IBPS Mains if you qualify it. It has sectional as well as overall cutoff to qualify IBPS PO Prelims phase.
Now let us discuss the preparation strategy subject-wise.

  1. English Section
This section is very challenging for those who are not good in English. They should make a regular plan to learn basic grammar rules and practice them regularly. Pick up the important topics from the examination point of view these are:
  1. Cloze Test
  2. ParaJumbles   
  3. Fill in the blanks
  4. Reading Comprehension
  5. Spotting Error
  6. Sentence Improvement
Practice these topics from the question papers of previous year. Take at least 25 questions on each topic to prepare them effectively. After answering them, check your performance. It will help you find your weak topics and how well you will perform in the exam.

Reading Comprehension is one of the time-consuming questions which need good command over the language and reading speed. One can get accuracy and speed to solve RC is by practicing at least 3 passages daily and then analyzing your score. It will boost your confidence and help you to score well in this section.

2. Quantitative Aptitude

It is the complex section of IBPS PO Exam and needs lot of practice and hard work to attempt it accurately. Most of the questions have complex calculations which can be solved quickly if you learn short tricks and methods to solve. Candidates should focus and practice extensively to acquire effective learning of various concepts and formulae of mathematics.

Some of the important topics for IBPS PO Exam prelims phase are:
  1. Data Interpretation (DI),
  2. Sequence & Series,
  3. Number System,
  4. Quadratic Equations,
  5. Sequence & Series,
  6. Ratio
  7. Proportion Percentage & Averages,
  8. Simplification etc.
These topics are frequently asked therefore make a practice routine and solve at least 50 questions on each of these topics after you have understood the concepts clearly.
  1. Reasoning
Reasoning is scoring but has a high difficulty level in IBPS PO Exams. This section needs analytical thinking and logical reasoning aptitude to solve the puzzles given under this section. One can master reasoning topics by practicing them rigorously.
There are some important topics which should be practiced more these are:
  1. Inequality
  2. Syllogism
  3. Puzzles
  4. Input Output
  5. Logical Reasoning
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Miscellaneous – Blood relation, Direction, Ranking, Alphanumeric Series, Coding Decoding.
This plan will surely give you a high score if you follow it systematically.

Wishing you all a success to get the IBPS PO job in the year 2018-19!!!!

Author : This content is written & published by IBT Kolkata - Top best coaching institute of SSC & Bank Coaching.


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