Preparation tips to Crack Bank Examination

Bank exam aspirants look for a respectable opening and this is offered by IBPS, RBI, RRB and SBI. These organizations conduct Probationary Officer level exam every year which needs detailed and comprehensive preparation. The more they work and practice, the better are the chances for them to get a job in any of the Public Sector Banks of the country.

To make the dream come true one has to plan the preparation for the exam. Plan your time table and make a comprehensive study pattern to complete the syllabus well in time.

Planning is what that matters to give you the desired results. Let us discuss some preparation tips for various BANK PO exams.

Preparation tips for BANK PO EXAMS
  • Know the Exam Pattern
First thing that an aspirant should do is to know the exam pattern by going through the latest notification given by the relevant bank.
  • Get acquainted with Exam Syllabus
Note down the detailed syllabus declared by the relevant examining body to prepare appropriately. Relevant topics list always guides to prepare effectively and leads to result oriented preparation.
  • Prepare Each Topic systematically
Every section has its importance and weight age therefore it is important to give equal importance to all of them. Put an extra effort to improve your weaknesses and enhance your strengths. It is essential for the aspirants to prepare each section separately. Divide the study plan in such a way so that you can devote equal time to all. This will help you score well in the exam.

Section- wise preparation tips

Quantitative Aptitude
  1. Learn the basic concepts
  2. Learn tables of cubes, square and square roots
  3. Learn short tricks to speed up complex calculations.
  4. Practice questions regularly to increase speed and learn effectively. You can score well if you solve more questions correctly in less time. Questions asked in this section are direct and formulae based.
  5. Important topics asked in this section are: Time and Distance, Work and Time, Data Interpretation, Percentages, Ratio and Proportions, Allegations.
  1. It is a tricky section; take more quiz based questions to practice.
  2. Time management and accuracy is an asset for this section.
  3. Important topics to prepare for this section are: Logical Reasoning, Syllogism, Blood Relation, Verbal Reasoning, Coding-Decoding, Puzzle etc.
English Language
  1. This section is easy as well as tricky as questions are asked almost from each topic.
  2. Prepare each topic well to get maximum marks.
  3. Important topics to prepare are: Reading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Fill in the blanks, paragraph completion.
General Awareness
  1. You are required to learn the Current Affairs and Financial Awareness to score high in this section.
  2. Basics of computer application should be learned.
  3. Questions are expected from Computer Hardware and Software, History, Basic    Terminologies, Operating System and Networking.
Practice mock test series

After completing the syllabus one should practice online mock test one every day. It will help you revise the topics effectively.

Hope you will get the desired result by adopting the above said preparation tips.

All the best!!

Author : This content is written & published by IBT Kolkata - Best Coaching Institute for SSC & Bank  Coaching . Want to join coaching for Bank Coaching in Kolkata then join IBT Kolkata.


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