An ultimate guide to pass the SBI PO exam

State Bank of India is going to conduct online exam for first phase of SBI PO 2018 in the month of July-August 2018. Competition is tough as millions of aspirants apply for only some thousands posts. Besides having adequate knowledge about the topics of the exams it is very important to understand the way you should prepare for the exam. All it requires is to understand the exam pattern and syllabus of the exam. After that you should make a strategy to prepare for the exam effectively.

Preliminary examination is of one hour duration with 100 questions. Each question is of one mark. Question paper is divided into three sections such as English section with 30 questions, Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude sections are with 35 questions in each section. One has to qualify the cut-off to ace the exam. Try to avoid guess work as there is a penalty of .25 marks for every wrong answer.

An aspirant should make a proper strategy for all these three sections and put in effort consequently. It is advisable to give more time to the topics in which you are weak. It does not mean to ignore the other topics. Enhance your strengths to get a high score and reach the next phase of the exam.
Before planning a study strategy for SBI PO Exam 2018 it is better to keep some important things in mind.
  1. Choose the difficult topics and make the list to cover them in the first phase of your exam preparation.
  2. Improve your speed of reading because online mode offers limited time, one needs time to scroll up and down too.
  3. Practice rigorously to understand the concepts clearly. Take topic test and mock test regularly and improve yourself after taking performance analysis to master the topics.
  4. Clear your doubts immediately under the guidance of subject expert.
Section-wise preparation strategy

Apart from making a combined study plan it is advisable to make subject-wise strategy to make all the topics strong. Preliminary examination has three sections, let us share the probable strategy to follow to prepare them.

Quantitative Aptitude
  1. If you are good in calculation and the basic concepts are clear then this section is very scoring. For quantitative aptitude, practice makes the way to score well. In case you find it difficult then it is better to start practicing questions on regular basis.
  2. Learn tables till 20, square, cubes and square roots to speed up your calculations.
  3. Learn short – cuts and tricks for calculations using basic concepts.
  4. Topics to master this section are data interpretation, profit and loss, simple interest and compound interest, time and work, time, speed and distance, ratio proportion, and percentage.
  5. Take mock test after completing the entire syllabus of QA.
Reasoning Ability
  1. Practice a lot as the questions are quiz based which needs presence of mind and quick wit.
  2. Don’t get stuck with difficult topics like seating arrangement or puzzles only, move further with other topics also.
  3. Seek the help of an experienced teacher to understand the difficult topics.
  4. Give special focus to the important topics like syllogism, blood relation questions, coding-decoding, input-output, direction test, mathematical in- equations, seating arrangements and puzzle-based questions.
  5. This is a very challenging section and has high difficult level therefore practice religiously and take the feedback from the experts to improve you at every step.
English Language
  1. Master the language proficiency by reading newspapers and magazines in English medium.
  2. Practice the grammar rules with as much as 50 questions on each part of speech.
  3. Special focus on English reading and comprehension, contextual vocabulary, cloze test, fill in the blanks, sentence rearrangement and sentence error spotting.
Mock Tests
In the last phase of your exam preparation practice mock tests, full length as well as subject wise. This practice will help you know your weakness and strengths and you can improve further.

Hope you follow this study strategy while preparing for SBI PO EXAM 2018 and get the most prestigious job of banking sector.

All the best!!!

Author : This content is written & published by top best coaching IBT Kolkata . Join Bank Coaching in Kolkata to get best bank coaching and make your dream of getting government job come true.


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